My incredible over 90-year-old new neighbor.

I couldn’t believe her age when she told me… early 90’s and counting!? She looked so happy, healthy and beautiful, so I had to ask her, “What’s your secret?” With a big smile on her face she said: SMILING. Isn’t that easy? And cheap? Forget about plastic surgery. Smile and follow the advice below and you’ll be in for the ride of your life!

The 5 regrets of the dying (that my neighbor doesn’t seem to have – not that she’s dying)

A few years back I read a story that made me very, very sad: “Regrets of the dying”, by Bronnie Ware, a nurse who took care of patients with just a few weeks left to live. They shared with her their main regrets, and she put them together first in an article, and later in a book. She now travels the world speaking about this experience.

I’m sharing this with you because what you’re about to read can lead you to a life of happiness instead of regrets. So without further ado…

The List

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

These people felt there were many dreams that went unfulfilled. Why? Because of the choices they made, or better said, the ones they didn’t make.

I always say I can’t live with the “What if …” It’s a thought that kills me, so I end up trying everything. I prefer to regret having done something and “failing”, that not having done it and not knowing what would’ve happened.

I have a great story about this! Back in 2000, when I met who later became my husband, I was living in Seville, Spain, and he was in Los Angeles. To everyone around me, it was crazy to leave my family and everything behind to move to another continent for a man that I barely knew. But I had to know if he was the one. I had to try! And guess what? We spent ten years of our lives together. Ten years of love, of learning a new language (I thought I spoke pretty good English prior to moving here, but I couldn’t understand anyone or vice versa!). Ten years of getting to know American culture and Los Angeles, a city I now adore. And best of all, my son Theo. See? I’m over the moon with my choice. What if I hadn’t tried?

  1. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

People regret not having spent more time with their family and friends.

So true! And that’s why I constantly promote the importance of taking breaks through my concierge business. Nowadays it seems to be natural to work 24/7. Be passionate about your career, yes. But be passionate about your life too! Work to live and not the other way around.

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

I love this one! The “problem” with putting it into practice is that you have to be 100 % honest. A while ago I committed to do it at all times. I promised myself I’d never lie again, not even a small lie (not that I was a big liar – but you understand). It’s hard in the beginning, but so worth it!! It becomes an addiction. When you realize you’re living up to your word, it’s one of the greatest feelings you can have.

  1. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

Are you guilty of this one? It’s so hard these days, being so busy and all of that. But like everything else in life, it’s a matter of priorities… about spending our 24 hours a day on what’s most valuable.

  1. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Comfort and fear of change let people to say this. I’m a non-conformist by nature, and my favorite sport is to laugh out loud. I’m not preoccupied about what people may think. I let myself go and express whatever comes.

I’ve reflected a lot about this article and about death. Talking about it doesn’t freak me out anymore. On the contrary it makes me appreciate life even more. So much in fact, that if I were to die tomorrow (although I’d prefer not to!), I’d do it from a happy and peaceful place. No 5 regrets, not even 1.

I very much hope that you’re enjoying your life and that you have a wonderful month of June. Here is your generous action for today: share this newsletter with someone. You don’t know this now, but you could change someone’s day, or who knows, someone’s destiny.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything. As a personal concierge, I can free up your time so you can do all the things we’ve been talking about. There are no limits, only the ones that you set for yourself!

With summer excitement,


Boutique Concierge
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