Last night, I went to sleep with the thought that Mother’s Day is only a few days away. My mind raced thinking about my mom and all the things she’s done for my brother and sister twins and for myself.

Do you have a hero? My definition of “hero”—someone who will do anything for you, regardless of the outcome, as difficult and impossible as it may be.

My hero is my mom. She raised three kids pretty much on her own with the only support of a full-time job. I can’t comprehend how she did it. I’m a mother of just one boy, and sometimes it feels like I’m raising an entire army!

There’s so much I admire and love about my mom. Her most striking attributes are probably her humility and generosity. And that’s why, when I tell her how much she means to me and how grateful I am for all she’s done, she gives me that sweet smile and she says, “It’s nothing—you’re my life.”

There is one thing though that she says every time I visit her in Spain: “I wish we could spend more TIME together”.

Yes, that’s ALL your mom wants from you too. She doesn’t want jewelry or another appliance; all she wants is YOU and all the TIME you can give her.

And you can certainly make that happen. She’s your mom! She brought you into this world and fed you from the very first moment; she’s cared for you, and she will until the end of her days. She’s raised you and comforted when you needed; she’s dried your tears, she’s cheered you up, and she’s always been available when you needed to talk. She’s taught you so much of what you know today. And she’s very much your number one fan!

I know time seems to be very scarce these days. But trust me: there’s plenty of it and I’m here to help you give your mom more of it.

This Mother’s Day consider giving your mom “The gift of TIME”, so she can be with the “baby” that you’ll always be to her and create new memories together.

Boutique Concierge offers Gift Certificates that come beautifully wrapped. Free up mom’s time from all her duties and spend the day together. Take her for a walk, or to the beach. Just you and her. No cell phones, no distractions.

Leave the duties to me while your mom spends the most beautiful day with whom she loves the most, YOU.

I’m just an email or phone call away to help make this Mother’s Day stress free and extra special.

To my mom, for giving me the most precious gift – life.

Naima Blasco

Boutique Concierge
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