Two evenings ago I had the chance to reconnect with Jessica Morales. She’s a beautiful human being that I had the good fortune of meeting through the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce in 2017. She has been out of town for the past few months to take care of personal matters and it was time to talk again – this time virtually, of course 😉
While we were catching up, she mentioned that she just had written an article for a Psychology magazine on one of my favorite subjects: PASSION!
As I listened to her talk, you popped into my mind and I thought: I need to share Jessica’s article with you!!!!
What does PASSION mean to you? How does it show up in your life? How do you put it into practice?
To me it means so many things! Joy, life, fun, and definitely one of the top 5 things that I can’t live without.
However, I must say that I never saw it in the same way as Jessica puts it in her article. It turns out that there are two types of passion, and one of them isn’t as appealing as the one we’re used to (actually Olympic athletes deal with it).
Once you read it, don’t forget to hit reply to this email and let me know what caught your attention.
Many hugs going your way! And remember to put passion into whatever it is that makes you shine 🥰
Naima Blasco