The fall/winter season is back, and with it comes some of the most memorable holidays of the year- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, etc. Christmas was always my favorite, as it’s the only holiday in my country of origin, Spain. However, once I moved to the US more than 20 years ago, Thanksgiving became my new favorite holiday. I love the concept of sitting around the table with family and friends, enjoying delicious food, and giving thanks for what we have.

There is a lot of work involved at each home in order to make it to each of these holidays. By the time those days arrive, we’re already exhausted due to all of the preparation, and most people can’t wait for it to be over. Wouldn’t you love to stress less?

At Boutique Concierge, we help our clients with all of the preparations so that they have less stress and anxiety, and more hours to celebrate.

Whether it is getting your Halloween costumes, putting a gathering together, or getting gifts for the holidays, we’ve got you covered.

Let me share a few examples of how we assist our clients:

    • A client of ours loves having her home decorated for every holiday/event of the year. Valentine’s Day, the arrival of Spring, and of course, the winter holidays. Each year we help her decorate her entire home with ornaments that represent the fall spirit with a Christmas tree included. It’s so much fun!
    • Another client, this one is corporate, hires us each year to come up with an experience to give to each of his associates – almost 100 people! We put it all together: the holiday card, the gift experience, the wrapping, and we personally deliver to each business. It certainly makes us feel like we’re Santa!
    • Other things we do for our clients during the fall, in addition to the ones mentioned above and to our recurring services, are: decorating the Christmas tree, shopping for food, ordering dishes, hiring other vendors (event planners, chefs, cleaning services for during and after the gathering), and assisting with any personalized task that clients have in mind.

And when it’s all over, we do the necessary returns to each store or via a shipping company.

Our clients report having less stress and saving an average of 30 hours by having us do their holiday work, and what’s equally or more important is that they’re able to enjoy and love the holidays. To them, the holidays then don’t mean a time to stress and wishing to be done with them as soon as possible, but an opportunity to embrace and enjoy the company of their loved ones and the gifts of life.

Want to learn more? Listen to our last radio interview as we reveal further details on how we help during the holidays.

You can also find the episode by typing Naima Blasco or Boutique Concierge into the search bar on your streaming app!

Now, share with us! What is one thing you’d love to delegate this fall and that would make an impact in the way that you would enjoy the holidays?

We’re here to help! Please share this with your friends and family so that they too can look forward to this year’s holidays. They’ll thank you forever!

Have a terrific Halloween!


Giving Back

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