September then and now 💕
September used to be a sad month for me back when I was little. It was the end of my summer vacation, which meant I wouldn’t see my cousins from Ronda for one entire year. And as you know, there weren’t cellphones, video-chats or anything like that back then. We actually wrote each other an infinite number of letters until the following summer, lol!
Now, on the contrary, September is a month of joy. It’s a new calendar year with new beginnings and new goals. For me, it’s also my birthday – I know, it was this month too when I was little, it’s just that now I get extremely excited and grateful to turn one year “younger” year after year. It’s also the beginning of fall, and even though I’ll always be a “summer girl”, fall has its beauty. And last but not least, in September we’re all refreshed from our summer time off!
Which takes me to wanting to treat you to something special 😄
I’d love to give you something very special so you can keep enjoying the life that you got used to over the summer: TIME! The lifestyle of these past weeks doesn’t have to finish here.
Receive 20% off my concierge services when you book your first package during September of 2018. Set your priorities and say no to what’s NOT important FOR YOU (click if you need help learning how to), and I’ll take care of the daily tasks that prevent you from doing what you love the most.
Don’t wait until you’re burnt out. Go here now to learn about the services that can help you have more time and less stress, and here to decide which package suits you best. Call me at 323-630-5787 to redeem your offer and to get the answers to your questions.
If anyone you know is about to reach a point where he/she doesn’t have the “time” for anything anymore (or is already there), please share this gift. It’s my goal to help as many of you as possible!
I said it in the past and I’ll say it again: you only have one life and it’s your duty to enjoy it.
To a life full of possibilities,
Photo by Edu Lauton